The hike to Lake Makoshika is for experienced hikers only. This is about a 3 1/2 hour hike through a secret way to Lake Makoshika. We will start at the Diane Gabriel trailhead. Along this way we will pass by 65 million year old Triceratops remains, A poor dead buffalo from who knows when. We hike across the famous K/PG extinction event. We will cross beautiful Petrified wood. Walk on top of a ridge with fantastic scenery. Make our way to Lake Makoshika then continue through the majestic badlands and make our way to Artists Vista where we will car pool back to Diane Gabriel trail. Warning, some of this will be off trail, but that is where the adventure is at. I usually do this hike in about 2 1/2 to 3 hours depending on skill and how much we stop and look at fossils which I surely recommend.
Ages 16 and over
Up to 4 people $200, $25 for any additional.
See my video by clicking on this link. Secret Way to Lake Makoshika!
The amazing K/PG boundary
Hike across Rainbow Road. Below: My brother Jon Fuqua the discoverer of Lake Makoshika 10 years ago. It formed from a natural recent landslide.